The TIMES project was presented during the event "Introducing the FUTURESILIENCE labs: A diversity of challenges to foster societal resilience"
On Tuesday, April 16th, a delegation of 25 public servants from Albania conducted a study visit at the Foundation as part of the European project Young Cells, which counts among its partners the Emilia-Romagna Region and the University of Bologna. This project aims to contribute to strengthening transparency and efficiency in the Albanian public administration through a series of activities including practical training, mentoring sessions, and study visits in various EU member states, including Italy.
Cities 4.0, Exchange Online Event with the Open Innovation Challenges Finalists and three EU Mission Cities
Following the Cities 4.0 project core objective of creating synergies between urban ecosystems and the relevant stakeholders, on Monday April 8th an online exchange event between three EU Mission Cities for climate-neutral and smart cities by 2030 and the Cities 4.0 Open Innovation Challenges Finalists took place.
SPINE, Conclusion of focus groups with the Municipal Consultative Committees and the Diversity Team
- data evento: 2024-04-08
On March 27, the focus groups with the Municipal Consultative Committees for overcoming disabilities, fighting social exclusion, cycling, and with the Diversity Team of the Municipality of Bologna ended.
SPINE - Smart Public transport Initiative for climate Neutral cities in Europe
The European project SPINE - Smart Public transport Initiative for climate Neutral cities in Europe, of which the Foundation is an affiliated entity of the Municipality of Bologna along with 38 other beneficiaries, including 11 European cities including Bologna, aims to accelerate progress towards climate neutrality by improving the overall offer of public transport, in order to make it more accessible, inclusive, attractive, and in line with users' economic needs and expectations. The project fits into the EU Mission 100 Climate Neutral and Smart Cities by 2030.
The project, which has a duration of 48 months, involves the implementation of Living Labs in 4 pilot cities: Bologna, Antwerp, Tallinn, and Las Palmas, where co-creation activities take place involving a wide range of stakeholders to promote public transport intermodality based on users' needs and requirements.
The Foundation is involved in mapping the stakeholder, as well as in the design, organization, and implementation of participatory co-design workshops with citizens and other relevant actors in 3 multimodal mobility hubs in Bologna, located in Mazzini, Corticella, and Casteldebole.
Project Sheet
Program: HORIZON-MISS-2021-CIT-02-02 Unleashing the innovation potential of public transport as backbone of urban mobility
Grant Agreement: 101096664
Role of the Foundation: affiliated entity of the Municipality of Bologna
Foundation Budget: €80,000.00
Duration: 48 months, starting from January 2023 (the Foundation since December 2023)
Website: https://www.spine-project.eu/